Become a member of The College of Licensed Counselling Therapists of New Brunswick
Apply now
Registration deadlines
Applications for CCTNB membership are reviewed 4 times a year by the Registration Committee. However, complex requests may take longer to review. If your application is complex, you will need to consider that your application may take longer to be approved.
Your application may be complex if:
You earned your degree outside of Canada or the United States
Your general counseling background is ambiguous
Other reasons decided by the CCTNB Registrar
The following meeting dates have been set for the review of applications by the Registration Committee. Only complete applications will be considered and all documents must be submitted 2 weeks before the meeting date.
Documents to be submitted by January 16, 2025 for review on January 30, 2025
Documents to be submitted by April 10, 2025 for review on April 24, 2025
Documents to be submitted by June 26, 2025 for review on July 10, 2025
Documents to be submitted by October 9, 2025 for review on October 23, 2025
**Applications will not be accepted past the posted deadlines. No exceptions.
Before applying
1 – Read the standards of practice, the Code of ethics, the By-laws
2 – Read the definitions, to make sure you understand the meaning of what we require
3 – Review the registration rules
Candidates transferring from another province
Are invited to fill in the interprovincial transfer form.
Notice: Due to differing criteria from some provincial regulatory bodies, we ask that you review our eligibility criteria before
submitting your interprovincial transfer request.
Student, retiree and associate candidates
Are encouraged to complete the following:
1- Review the application guidelines
2- Read and understand the definitions
3-Fill in the form
Steps to apply
1 -- Click here to complete the PDF application form. You must submit this form either by mail or by email. If you choose to email the form please provide a scanned copy as photos will not be accepted. Form: Graduate Course Description.
Once you have completed your application form, please follow these steps:
2 – Complete and provide a practicum description form to the supervising professor or university representative, for signature, and send it directly to our office.
3 - Order transcripts for all coursework listed on your application (undergraduate and graduate transcripts). Transcripts must be sent to us directly by the establishments. We will accept certified electronic transcripts sent by the university. Transcripts must be final and indicate the degree conferred.
4 - Graduate degree obtained in Canada or graduate degree obtained outside of Canada, to confirm that you hold a master's degree from an accredited institution.
5 – Review and provide reference forms to supervisors and/or colleagues. Reference forms must then be sent to us directly by the referrers. A total of two reference forms must be completed. One of your references must be your on-site internship supervisor. Both references must have a minimum of a Master's degree.
6 - Order reputable letters from any regulatory body of which you are a member.
7 – Provide a criminal record with vulnerable sector check from your local police or RCMP (within the past year).
8 - Submit an up-to-date resume, with details of your academic qualifications, counseling training, and relevant work experience. Your work experience should be chronological and include your internship experience.
9 – Provide proof of professional liability insurance for a minimum amount of $2 million. If you are covered by an employer, you will need to submit the Insured by Employer form.
10 – Choose a supervisor in the list of approved supervisors.
11 – Complete and submit supervision agreement.
12 – You can use this checklist to keep track of submitted documents. (This does not need to be submitted as part of application)
13 -- Application fee (only paid once all documents have been submitted and processed. We will advise on how to pay at that point)
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all documents required in the application process are received by CCTNB by the deadline. The office only collects data and will not call the applicant to let them know that documents are missing. If mailing documents, please use Canada Post Express Post. The College cannot accept deliveries by courier.
All documents can either be sent by email to:
or by mail at:
205 -236 St George Street
Moncton, NB E1C 1W1
Please note that we do not accept mail that requires a signature.
All applicants for licensure, upon admission to the College of Licensed Counselling Therapists of New Brunswick must work hours of counselling work, as follows:
Regular Applicants
(no clinical work experience required)
2000 hours of consulting work (min. of 800 hours of direct contact with the client), including;
50 hours of clinical supervision.
Experienced Practitioners
(must have previously accrued 2000 hours of counselling work with a min. of 800 hours of direct contact with the client)
Please note these hours must have been completed within 5 years prior to submitting the application)
500 hours of counselling work (min. of 200 hours of direct contact with the client), including;
25 hours of clinical supervision, post-admission to the College.
What happens next?
Once all documents have been submitted you will need to pay the registration fee in order for your application to move forward.
Application fee:
$125 for regular/experienced applicants
$100 for inter-provincial applicants
Once your application has been reviewed by the Committee, we will send you an email within 5-10 business days letting you know if you have been accepted as a member, along with a link to pay your yearly dues. Dues are pro-rated to reflect the date of acceptance into the College.
Please note: If the Registration Committee requires documents to be updated, redone, or added to your file, your application will be moved to the next registration period for review.
My membership application has been accepted. And now?
Once all prescribed fees are paid, you will receive information including your membership number and a letter of good standing with CCTNB. You may not use the LCT-C title until your license number is issued.
Continuing Education Credit Requirement
In order to be a member in good standing, you will need to complete a total of 36 hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits. Those with 3 years or less of professional counselling experience will require 500 hours of work under the supervision of a board-approved clinical (non-administrative) supervisor and at least 50 hours of clinical supervision within 3 years of the policy taking effect.